Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten years ago today

The crew of the Dream Machine takes a few minutes to reflect on the days events; September 11, 2001
On the morning of September 11, 2001, I woke up in the doghouse of the Skywheel at the Tennessee State Fair.  It was cool and damp as it always seems to be that time of year and I remember sitting up in the hammock and wishing for a clean pair of socks before heading out with my camera to Gracie's cookhouse for roll call. The early risers were already there Lefty, T.J. Smitty, Wayne Kunz.

Always cheerful in the morning, Lefty poured me a big cup of coffee. I handed him a dollar and sat down at the nearest table. A small television situated on the counter, rattled off the morning news and traffic reports. They were showing the national radar when the first newscaster broke in. In the minutes that followed we didn't know what we were looking at. After that no one could believe it.

Hardly anyone came out to the fair that day. At seven o'clock in the evening, right after the lights on the midway had been turned on, all the ride jocks stopped their rides and stood facing the Skywheel for a few minutes in a mutual show of respect to those whose lives had changed forever that morning, while we were all at roll call.


  1. I remember I had left Nashville to go to Texas with a friend. My mom was the one that called me and told me to turn on the news. I was only 14 at the time and all I could do was cry...It was a very sad day for all.

  2. that was my first year in nashville and my mom came a got me out of my bunk to watch the news..I remember all i could think is was it an accident cause why would somebody do this intentionally and then bang plane two comes into the scene...i remember crying and asking my mom why somebody would such a thing...she really never had an answer all she could say is just pray for those people that are in there that they make it out..and not even 2 hours later all it was was a pile of rubble and chaos...Absolutely Tragic...and very sad!

  3. A beautiful and eloquent tribute, my friend.
